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Osteoporosis Specialist

Ariel D. Teitel, M.D. -  - Rheumatologist

Ariel D. Teitel, M.D.

Rheumatologist & Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician located in Columbus circle, New York, NY

Osteoporosis affects 18% of women and 4% of men over the age of 50. Unfortunately, most don’t know they have the disease until they suffer a fracture. Board-certified rheumatologist Ariel D. Teitel, MD, provides comprehensive care for osteoporosis. He screens to determine your risk, creates plans to prevent the disease, and develops customized treatment that restores strong bones. To learn if you should get osteoporosis screening, call the office near Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City, or book an appointment online today.

Osteoporosis Q & A

What causes osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak, brittle bones. Throughout your lifetime, your body maintains strong bones by eliminating old and damaged bone and replacing it with new bone.

As you get older, you lose bone faster than new bone can replace it. That’s when you gradually develop osteoporosis.

Your risk of developing osteoporosis depends on factors such as:


Women lose a significant amount of bone in the first few years after menopause.


You need to engage in weight-bearing exercise because it triggers new bone production.

Nutritional status

Your body can’t produce new bone tissue unless your diet contains enough calcium and vitamin D.


If you have a health condition that’s treated with ongoing corticosteroids, your risk of osteoporosis is higher. Corticosteroids interfere with calcium absorption, leading to weak bones and osteoporosis.

What symptoms does osteoporosis cause?

Osteoporosis doesn’t cause symptoms. Your bones slowly weaken for years, and you won’t know you have a problem until you get osteoporosis screening or a bone breaks.

Bones weakened by osteoporosis break with very little force. A vigorous cough or falling from a standing position can fracture brittle bones.

Osteoporosis frequently causes vertebral compression fractures. These fractures occur when one or more vertebrae in your spine collapse because they’re too weak to support your body.

Compression fractures usually affect your middle back, causing pain and limited movement. You may also develop a rounded back or have tingling or numbness in your arms.

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

Whether you need screening or a diagnosis, you get a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. A DEXA scan uses a small dose of radiation to reveal the extent of any bone loss. Dr. Teitel can use a DEXA scan to determine your risk of developing osteoporosis in the future.

How is osteoporosis treated?

Many different health conditions can cause or contribute to osteoporosis. For example, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and an overactive thyroid gland are all associated with the condition.

Dr. Teitel takes time to review your medical history and symptoms, and identify all of the conditions or medications contributing to your osteoporosis. Treating any underlying conditions makes it easier to deal with your osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis treatment includes dietary changes, implementing a safe exercise routine, and medications. Dr. Teitel takes a cautious, risk-appropriate approach to prescribing medications.

Several types of medications can improve osteoporosis. However, bisphosphonates are often the first line of treatment because they slow down bone loss. 

To learn if you should have a risk assessment and osteoporosis screening, call Ariel D. Teitel, MD, or book an appointment online today.